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Is there a GxG or GxB one by any chance? since it said BxG, i assumed there are many different versions. Thank you for reading. <3


This page is for the GxB version (released) with a female protagonist x male Kuro:

And this page is for the BxG version (work in progress) with a male protagonist x female Kuro:

I had planned to also make BxB and GxG versions, but it's just too much work and I want to be able to put some time into other projects >.< I might release a version with a genderless protagonist though where you can choose which version of Kuro you want, cos that would be less time consuming.

Thanks for your comment and interest! Have a lovely day :3

(so late aaa) Okay thank you so much! I'm currently waiting for the game to download and I'm very excited! ❤