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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here:


1. It was a pretty fun experience. I liked how strange it was. Corona chan is a perfect yandere character. It reminded my of Monika a lot by their posture and of Yuna Gasai by the basement XD

2. I loved that there were several endings. It made me replay the game a couple of times and I am pretty sure I haven't reached all the outcomes (I found like 3).


1. Well, there was no horror aspect at all. The game was so funny and strange - you couldn't get to feel the creeps. Maybe some spooks would help.

2. I guess that there were not so many connections to the corona. If you think about it the virus would want you not to stay isolated but absolute opposite. So that was a bit weird. I think the lore could be a bit improved.


A fun experience. I am glad I played the game) Still, I think there is room for improvement.

Hope my feedback was useful!