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I just finished the current game. I must say that I absolutely love the story and the art style! However, I kinda wish The Core was developed a bit more at the start of the game. Also, about the dialogue and conversations in game – I kinda wish that some of the dialogue could be sped up/skippable because I found myself continuously pressing on X and accidentally choosing the wrong option when it came to making choices T^T I also feels like there should an easier way to compare stats between equipment? Something like a little stats info bar on the side when you go over equipment would be nice.

Nevertheless, the game looks great right now and I can't wait for the final release! I love all the characters introduced and how you can interact with the animals in-game. Thank you for the wonderful experience so far!! :D


Thank you so much for your feedback, and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! You can advance through dialogue faster by keeping V pressed down, but we'll still look for a way to make it even faster because it's no fun if you have to see the same dialogue for a second time.

Regarding The Core, it's intentionally vague but there's a lot more info about it as the game progresses, especially in the final chapter!