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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here:


1. Very beautiful. Picturesque landscapes, interesting characters. I liked the visuals and the realization a lot.

2. I like the mystery that the game is building. You really start to wonder what will happen next.


1. Although, it is interesting to follow the plot, the game seems to be all over the place. Everything is happening too quickly and you don't really have time to get invested. I am pretty sure that in the full game it won't be an issue, though.

2. I would like that player would participate more in the game - for example I would like to get to control the car for a little bit or to explore more at the start and find secrets. At the moment the game seems to be a sequence of finding "hot spots" which gets kinda boring.


The demo was spooky but didn't scare me. It was kinda weird and all over the place but with lots of potential. I think the main issue is the lack of original mechanics. They seem to be repetitive atm. I really want to see how this game will turn out in the full version!

Hope my feedback was useful!