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(1 edit) (+6)

Oooh, this is SUCH a lovely game! When I saw this was made by the same people who did The Pretender's Guild, I wasn't surprised-- but honestly, I think I love this game even more 😭


All of the endings contributed to the narrative in a way that was very satisfying, even the bitter-sweet ones... and the straight up bitter ones. God, I REALLY do hate killing Caesar! I don't care what the fuck he's done, the man is getting hugs and I mean that! I mean that pool party selfie is literally top 5 cutest things ever, they make such a cute couple! Even in Alto's route (who, I mean, WHEW 😍), I still have a soft spot for that ridiculous man lmao.

But speaking of Alto, Y'ALL HIT ME RIGHT IN THE DEVOTION! OW! Find you a man who loves you even when you're a disembodied string of code attached to his wrist! Or a smooth, genital-less battering ram! Gosh I'm using so many exclamation points!

The art was fantastic, the music was a perfect addition, and all in all I love the way you allowed the choices to play out. It was a nice balance between story-telling and allowing us to come to our own conclusions, which I love in a VN.

Super looking forward to Lilith Hall now, keep it up y'all!


Thanks so much for playing! I’m really happy you enjoyed it. Both the routes were so fun to write but yes, bittersweet 😭 I hope you enjoy Lilith Hall!