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hi, thanks for trying it out! i'm guessing you're trying to run the game on Catalina? if this is the case you can try some workarounds to get it running.

1) unzip the file

2) right-click the file and click "Show Package Contents"

3) open the "MacOS" folder. there should be a file in there called hot_pot_panic_osx_1. keep this Finder window open.

4) now, open up a Terminal window. you can do this by hitting command + space, searching for Terminal and running the Terminal app

5) in the Terminal window type the command "chmod +x" and then drag the hot_pot_panic_osx_1 file into the terminal window. that should fill in a filepath into the command line (the filepath shows where the game file is located). 

6) hit enter in Terminal to run that command. if you get an error, make sure there's a space between the filepath and the "chmod +x" part.

7) now when you go to open the game, it should launch. if it doesn't, right click (or two-finger click) on it and then open from there. there may be some permissions you need to grant, but it should hopefully run.

thanks for wanting to give the game a shot and sorry for the inconvenience here, i know this could be a headache. this issue is due to some changes apple made with app distribution in Catalina. please let me know if you have any issues and i hope you enjoy the game!

For other Catalina users who read this: I'm running Catalina and I've gotten problem games to run by downloading and launching them from the Itch app, instead of the website. Just tested with this game and it works!

That’s great! Thanks for sharing - i’ll add this to the notes at the top of the page.