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(1 edit)

So the story is silent hill but thats whatever, I have no problem with games that take a story and switch it up a bit which this game does..but not in the right way. I dont want to go in depth into everything because the game follows a basic format. Enter zone, do puzzle, leave zone.

The puzzles are veryyy hit or miss. Two of the puzzles were pretty interesting involving things like riddles and sound ques to know when you are moving to a new area, a bit of critical thinking, and a bit of clue deciphering. Other puzzles are things like: find a key on the fucking ground, find a piece of paper, find a couple of pictures while an enemy follows you (The slow moving 1 shot enemy cliche is getting soooo old) . Its just really odd how there's such a big difference between the puzzles.

My two biggest complaints and by big I mean HUGE complaints are the flashlight and the perspective. The flashlight moves and sways without you moving. So basically throughout the game your flashlight is always doing a figure 8 motion and you have to move your mouse to try to compensate for the position of the light. The perspective in this game is amazingly odd. A bit of info for those who dont know, an average door is 6 foot 8 inches. Throughout the game you will either be half the height of the door or taller than things like ferris wheel gondolas which vary but on average have an 7 foot opening, so that means your character is either in a parallel dimension or they switch between 3 feet and 9 feet tall. And dont tell me its a dream, fuck that.

At the end of the day its not a terrible game and I know it was made within 48 (24?) hours which I have no problem with but given how short it is it really doesnt deserve the 5$ price tag.