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(1 edit)

I love this game, but echoing other comments below, I do wish that scores could be reset, and that a tutorial round was available! After the learning curve, though, I've been really enjoying it. Excellent work! If there's ever an app, I'd totally buy this for my phone.

Edit: I've also noticed that there are games where I genuinely can't figure out why I lost villages, it might be nice (though it may be a lot of work) to have a togglable option to see why certain villages were lost. It's also not very colorblind friendly, which may be where part of my struggle is coming from. Maybe some edit ability for the tile colors?

I have a mobile app for Android and iOS planned, fortunately it's very easy to port with the technology I've used. I'll tell you when it's ready. :)

I definitely need to colourblind options and I should have considered that earlier, thank you for telling me! It's becoming very clear I need to give the player better feedback for the status of the villages, I'll find a solution!