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Hey, this game was great!  There were some really subtle but cool nods to the old ICOM games in there.  I really liked how the power switch killed the synth track in the music, too.  Really subtle, but a nice touch.

Came across one bug in the game - if you try to use the self destruct code on yourself, it uses the game-over scene for eating a CHEM.

If you have plans on adding more to the game, you should add another death scene either if you stay on the ship for too long near the end, or if you walk into any rooms you don't need to use between the crypto port and the bay (as a punishment for not making it out IMMINENTly).

Overall, though this game was really fun to play through.  The original Kemco games on the NES have been some of my favourite games of all time, and I really appreciate that somebody has taken the time to pay homage to them and create some new games like them! I'm really looking forward to trying out SPECTACLE in the near future :D


Thanks you very much, glad you had fun :D

Having an actual timer or any sort of scripted death during the escape actually caused a lot of issues when testing, so we figured we'd drop it and let the player assume they need to be as quick as possible. Most players don't even notice :D

The NES trilogy are among our favorite games as well, so we're glad people think we did them justice. I hope to see more and more devs tackle this sub genre, for sure