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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here (the game is 2d there):


1. The style is awesome! So creepy and cool! I absolutely loved it! The scarecrow was spooky. 

2. The story is creepy, it's a bit trivial but still pretty cool. It's interesting to interact with the world and the game builds the sense of suspension successfully. 


1. Maybe it would be nice to add an actual enemy so the game would be scarier? Like a chase sequence at the end or  a choice. A possibility of a bad outcome for the main character (I mean of an even worse outcome).

2. I wish that the episodes were longer and maybe with choices. At least 1 choice would be awesome to make and it makes the player want to re-experience the adventure.


I enjoyed that a lot! Despite my critics, I think the game deserves a strong 5/5. Though, I wish that the next episodes would be even scarier)

Hope my feedback was useful!