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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here (the game is the first there):


1. There are different endings. I think the game benefits a lot of that because that extents the gameplay and makes the whole experience more involving.

2. The graphics are cool. There are not so much to do in the game so at least it's nice to look at.

3. The game scared me as a horror game should) I didn't expect to be scared so game 1 : me 0.


1. There are no gameplay. The coffee sequence gets to be boring after a while and also it would be a nice touch if you could actually see the coffee spilling in the coffee maker.

2. It's strange how it is always 6 o'clock no matter how light it is outside. I mean they get up at 6, making their coffee then go to sleep then get up to witness strange shit? Like they have no life or what? Maybe it would be cool to see different sequences of the routine or get from coffee making straight to the TV without the alarm clock scene.


I enjoyed the game, it was rather weird but I got scared. Moreover, I am pretty sure I didn't get all the endings but just a few. Still, I think there is a possibility for further developing.

Hope my feedback was useful!