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Hello, I know its been a while since this issue was brought up, but I am experiencing the same issue.  The file is saying I don't have permission to open it

(2 edits)

From what we've seen it seems to be a very sporadic issue that happens with packaging/downloading zip files. I'll see if we do some research on it this weekend to see if we finally solve the issue once and for all (and solve some typos along the way).

Meanwhile, if you want we have a Google Drive mirror of the game. Since it doesn't come with a .zip you should be able to download it and play it fine. We tried it with another of our games and it seemed to work out as a solution for some people. 

If you'd prefer to play it off itch directly, I'll let you know as soon as a new version is up! (If you do get a chance to play it do let us know what you think about it!).

Thanks a lot for the heads-up! Cheers! 🐳


Hi, thank you for the quick response!  The drive link worked great :)