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I have to say this is probably my favorite entry to the contest everything was done so well and from the ending I feel like the story isn't 100% over it feels like this was just the beginning to a story I might be totally wrong but I enjoyed it a lot. also is this your first rpgmaker game? 

No, you're absolutely right! This game is an isolated case in a much larger plot. It'll be a long time until it's ready for release, but I'm working on the next installment in the series. As far as my game making, I've worked on a few private projects before but this is my first public release! Thank you so much for the kind comment Rebor; feedback from players like you means a lot to me!


Ill make sure to watch out for the sequel to this you have a lot of great scary promise for a game creator and I made sure to go back and play it a second time around and the amount of details I can now see is amazing how much thought and care went into this even though there was a time limit. There is few questions I'm wondering what is up stairs in the house? Why doesn't she go upstairs even though the bodies are gone? WHO IS HE?  

Get ready, this is a long one! XD 

Upstairs is the other bedrooms, so you're not missing much. The story reason she won't go up is that she's taken anything of value down stairs and has no need to go upstairs, not to mention the memories of her family could upset her one way or another. The technical reason you can't go up is because one of the contest guidelines was to make the game 10 to 20 minutes long, so I left it out to shorten things. 

As for who "HE" is... Well, it's hard to describe. It's a supernatural entity, and in the game it manifests itself as the thing outside the window, as the peeping wall (that background on the seventh day) and as those Alice clones with too many eyes. While the figure in the basement and the skeletons are unusual, those were spirits from the well victims. "HE" is also one of the contributors to Alice's insanity. 

There's a bigger story at work, especially concerning the forest itself, so things will make more sense once the next game comes out. Anyway, it makes me glad that you enjoyed my game so much, and that you're paying attention to all the details!