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Bunny: ok den

-there was shuffling in a closet-

Bunny: ?

Chara: *gets her knife out, and lets her goo flow feely out of her mouth and eyes as a defense thing*

Chara: Get ReADy FoR A FIgHT


Will: *comforting the kid*

Lilly: -she got an idea- -she went out and came back with an wood with her purple flames on it- no shad-ow no pow-er uwu

Lol smort lilly

Will: *clap clap* eh, i have a friend who could come up with something

Lilly: ?

Will: yeah, some guy Para knows could prolly come up with somethin

Chara: *still ready for a fight, but losing interest*

Bunny: -the needles in her pocket floated out-

-a very dirty freak fell out of the closet-

???: ow!! Uh . . Who are you why are you here!? Um! I'll fight you! -obviously not very strong-

Bunny: <>_<>

Chara: *coats her knife in the coming out of her mouth*

Chara: ThE ReAL quEsTIoN iS, WHo aRe yOu? AnD iF You THiNk yOu CaN FIGHT me......thInK AGaIn

* she looks a bit like another Oozer*

???: ok nvm I cant ;>; I'm allison

Bunny: <>_<> she's just a kid

Allison: no-no I'm not I'm not! I'm really strong! -lIEs-

Chara: *thinks about stabbing you* *dicides not to* *she stops the goo from coming out of her mouth* whelp, i dont feel like fighting anyways! im Chara and this (EXTREME sarcasim) bundle of joy here is Bunny! oh, and shes like a zombie i think