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Glitchtrap: *goes on to straight up insulting Bunny*

Will: *annoyed scream* *keeps looking through the conputers tryna find some sort of file or somehtin*

Bunny: godd*mn it If you dont stop imm gonna grab one of these pole and hit you in the face with it . . -obviously annoyed-

-there was a file on lilly's powers-

Will: *opens it unless its the smae file*

Glitchtrap: *keeps doing it, secretly getting his defsnses ready*

Is he still in lilly's mind??

Bunny: -her pockets would shake, knowing her it was probably just needles or something-

-it says 


We have decided to take note of lilly's powers or defense as a reminder/caution to all who work with her

Shadow teleportation

Purple flames


Sharp tail

Control shadows

Turn into an shadow

Sharp teeth

no, not really

Will: *oh crap* what if she hurts me? Will, youre just being paranoid...what if i do something that makes her angry?....she'll forgive me....right?...what if she doesnt? *continues to freak out over her super OP-ness compared to him*

Wills power set:


Sharp teeth

Glaceon fur ( fur that he can freeze into needles)

Sonic Boom (a roar that can destroy the sound barrier, causeing explosions)

Glitchtrap: *STILL trying to start a fight with Bunny*

Bunny: f*ck it. -le grab pole- -triggered- -smacc- 

Glitchtrap: *grabs the pole before it hits him* *snaps it in half* *uses both halves to smak you on both cheeks*

Bunny: ow ;>; why you gotta pick fights ;>;

Yea dude why you gotta pick fights

Evil lilly: -le stops trying to control lilly- bored ->-

Lilly: -le triggered at other lilly-


Glitchtrap: becuase its FUN!!!

Will: *keeps having a panic attack*

Chara: *picks up Bunny and outs her in this rando room she found* this place looks cool, there for its prolly safe!

Creator me: that is the WORST logic i have ever heard, what if theres a Freak hiding in there? or like, what if theres a crackpot scientist!!

Bunny: if it's fun to fight . . You probably need help- 

Also bunny: bruh 

Lilly: wi-ll? You o-k?

-inhale- -epic ear rape-