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Top-down Dungeon crawler/ Roguelike Indie Game with Hentai, Adult, Lewd features · By noxDev

Updated to Version 0.3.5

A topic by noxDev created Apr 22, 2020 Views: 450 Replies: 2
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I got v0.3 mixed up with an older version somehow, so instead of trying to track down the missing version I've just updated the paid Itch version to 0.3.5. Thanks to user Ariyana for bringing this to my attention.

Just got the update, didn't realize since the update email went to spam.
I unzipped and it seems to have a packaging error: createinstance() returned: 2

The solution's pretty simple, thankfully:

Completely delete the Intermediate, Saved and Build folders, then re-package.

A link with the solution.


Oh, weird, this is the first I'm hearing of this!
Thanks for the heads up, I'll be sure to repackage and redistribute the game asap.