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(1 edit)

So, i tried to read into what was on the "solution", by editiing it in Photoshop, comparing it to what is said in the game, and comparing letters of the phont that comes with the game - that's what i got

Cue jairia is the fact I don't know

Which iraserujost are missting.

Why don't you grew on it?

Same function as ever

Over the tablecloth punc

Do you understand me?

Nobody does

Listen there's a bajans at the


Should i garest him

Find me a gromfriel

Highlighted words are the words i'm not that sure about, mostly cuz it sounds like gibberish. I presume they are not english words, but i'm not sure. Anyone else tried to make sense of the text?

This is the kind of words am seeing too ! I am sure there is a pattern in order to solve the words !

i tried to google them, and some of them DO come up as words from other languages... for example "bhajans" -- A bhajan (Hindi: भजन) literally means "sharing".[1] It also refers to any song with religious theme or spiritual ideas, in a regional Indian language
or "garest" -




  1. Second-person singular subjunctive I of garen.

    Maby the other words are the same, i just can't spell em out right, cuz it's hard to read...

In previous comments some people mentioned that there are patterns to some words in the clues, they are somehow related and maybe this too has a pattern I mean like we have to transition the letters to the next ones by a certain number in order to come up with the exact words needed

(2 edits)

The "solution.png" is mostly readable. CAPPS are what I couldn't read but could mostly hear clearly

Cue larak (light it?) the fact I don't know

which FOR SOME poster musting

Why don't YOU GREW ON IT

Same FOLJEN AS ever

Over the tablecloth punt

Do you understand me?


Listen, THERE'S A BOJENS at the


Should I garest him?

Find me a grom friel.

i want to add, that there's a clear "are" in the second line before the "m" word in the solution pic
also, for some reason, even if we hear "punt" there's a small letter that resembles a "c" in there, insted of "t"... for some reason, i think the text on the pic and the text in the game aren't the same letter to letter...

and what on earth is grom friel? I tried googling it, but it's just random staff...
Also, i'll try to work on the hard words later on again, and will post pictures, so that other people can try to see what's in there..

I am working on this she sounds like she says in the first words Cue Latin I hope I get some progress I recorded the voice and playing it in slow motion so I can manage to get all the letters I am sure she pronounces several random letters when combined come up with a word or something