Please Make a Public download of BFNS+ 2YMA OS! Please! Reply!
Also, can you please make Level Err Easier? Make it so when you're done repairing the tube, Your Stamina is full. Also, can you please add more energy Flavor zesty bar things. It's annoying with only 2. Also, Please add the Minimap. Also, Make sure there are Minimap Icons. Also, make it so that the last "Errored" Tube is visible through the walls. Please make 1.0.1 of Baldi's Fun New School Plus Two Year Modding Anniversary?
Please give me the Script for flower. The flower is supposed to make a noise and make Baldi come to the noise when the Player steps on the Flower. Also, give me a Sound that the flower makes when the Player steps on it that's not from Minecraft. Also, Give me the Hidable Locker Script and The Openable locker Script. Make sure that They have a Reset Guilt Function in their Script. also, Give me the textures for the Openable Locker and the hideable Locker. also, Give me 2 New Notebook Sprites. Also, Please edit the Gamebanana Page. The edit is not 100% the same as the Page One. Also, when you give me sprites and Scripts, Make sure to Send Them in a Google Drive. Also, Add Links to Google Forms things on the Gamebanana Page. Also, Simon Says Please Reply. The Simon Says thing is a joke.