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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here:


1. Very very cute. The art s tyle is adorable and Meowmie is just the best!

2. So scary! I didn't expect that at all. I got spooked real good  a couple of times. Nicely done!

3. The story is deeper than is seems at a first glance. Such a wonderful game!


1. I would like some more info about the main character. Because it strange how we need to feed Meowmie, but we don't need to eat at all. Or that the main character sleeps the whole day and wakes up just to feed the cat. Though, I get that this would be a bit off topic.

2. Maybe if the game would be a bit longer that would be wonderful! I just want more of this awesome project!

Overall: this is one of my favorite games on now! I adore everything about it! 5/5.

Hope my feedback was useful!