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Loved it, real good!
What I would recommend is to not give the player so much camera movement, getting a prompt for keys made me feel like camera action was required to progress the story.

That being said, the camera angles covered in there are really good, so as devs you can use the different ones throughout to convey a transition in the story's tone, as opposed to letting the player tinker and watch the admittedly pretty set without the extra narrative impact of game-controlled camera switches

However, I just read that 'youre the director' bit, which is interesting I would LOVE to see a game where you shifting between cameras, and thereby changing the mood, changes the outcome

(Do tell me if that's already the case)

(1 edit)

Hey, thanks for playing! The game forces camera changes for specific narrative moments, so if you never pressed anything you'd get a very loose version of our intended story.

It's certainly an option to consider for the future, but its current implementation (while kinda basic) is true to what we wanted to make. Would love to make a game with directing more of a focus in the future.

Thanks for playing! The camera idea was something we just wanted to throw out and see how people responded to. Response seems to have been mixed, maybe if we did your suggestion and built more of the game design around it it'd work? Anyway, please consider rating the game! :)