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Gus is the hero we both need and deserve. Completely selfless (well, mostly), on a mission to defeat evil (possibly) and a cat-lover (definitely).

Accompanied by his trusty Feline and rapscallion Grandson, guide Gus through the perils of a motel infested with aliens, bugs and toads in questionable relationships whilst enjoying the trippy, psychedelic visuals.

The battle system is classic RPG with zany attacks and special moves, an array of equippable and power-up items and loads of different enemies to face off against.

You also get to interact with a selection of strange and wonderful NPCs, and complete a few side quests for some of them to boot.

All in all this is a great RPG that harkens back to the old school stlye but throws in a whole load of random shenanigans to keep things fresh and interesting. Well worth a shot I'd say!