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Albino: *sigh* poor Mia... i hope she is happy... 

Eliza: I'm... so sorry for your loss

she is up there with all our childhood pets 

*I'm about to cry ;-;* 

Eliza and Albino: *hugging you*

Chara: happy B-day...hope shes alright.....the afterlife is a great place, just ask Frisk.

Frisk: u-top-ia

Albino: -finally notices Chara- oh? hello there! my name is Albino! its so nice to meet you!

Chara: hi! im Chara! Chara Dremurr!!

Albino: oh? chara? what a gentle and sweet name! -turns to frisk- how about you!

Eliza: and i am Eliza! nice to meet ya

Chara: *to Elizah* im finna like you

Frisk: *gets to attached to Albino-figuritivley and literally*

Eliza: glad you are! for some reason, I'm getting a vibe that you are older than me... weird, right?

Albino: ummm... excuse me... not to be rude... but... a-are you listening?

eyyy parker you in there dude?

yolo had 2 go bro dead..

Frisk: *nods*

Eliza: *surprised pikachu face (enter last surprise here)*

Albino: okay! 

btw i am DRAWING Albino and Eliza in my artstyle!!! i am so excited for the result!!!!