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There is one problem when you put a tower the people in it have like a 1/10 chance of hitting something and when they shoot 1/2 the time they shoot the tower they are sitting in. So I cant trust them by themselves because they almost never hit their target and cant hit thing up close.

The person with 4 girls in the bus when you complete the quest the girls wont get in the car(not sure if they cant) And the guy who gives the quest suddenly disappears and then suddenly when you reload the game he is there and it says take me to your camp with the 4 girls back in the bus but you cant bring him anywhere he is just stuck there.

Last glitch by the bus sometimes if you get out of your car you can glitch under the ramp to the town from the highway

Hey Delightbobby23,

Sorry about the bugs many of them have been fixed in the latest version of the game, using the itch app will let you get automatic updates

There is one problem when you put a tower the people in it have like a 1/10 chance of hitting something and when they shoot 1/2 the time they shoot the tower they are sitting in. So I cant trust them by themselves because they almost never hit their target and cant hit thing up close.

the tower problem was fixed in update 1.0.5, you can update now to 1.0.6

The person with 4 girls in the bus when you complete the quest the girls wont get in the car(not sure if they cant) And the guy who gives the quest suddenly disappears and then suddenly when you reload the game he is there and it says take me to your camp with the 4 girls back in the bus but you cant bring him anywhere he is just stuck there.

the girls cant get into the car because its a bit of a mission to get them home safely this way, the camp counselor should be working ill make sure to check it out and fix it if its not working properly.

Last glitch by the bus sometimes if you get out of your car you can glitch under the ramp to the town from the highway

do you mean you appear underneath the highway getting out of the car? I'll make sure to see whats going on with this

Thanks so much for the feedback, I'll get to the bottom of these and fix the problems as soon as possible,
