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Ali: being thicc sux......sans bullys u all le time......anyway lets go!!

*she leads you down a hallway of sorts, he webbed feet sometime kicking water into someones face**...why does she get legs?*

Kat: i have a question


Ali: ask away!!!

Kat: :\ ..... why do you have legs 

Kacchan: KAT thats a personal question 

Ali; no worries im comfortable with it!!!! it was pretty much a 50/50 chance and by the order of genetics i got legs!!! same way you have some of your mother and fathers genetics i have some of both my Moms!!!!

Kat: interesting!

Ali: and if youre wondering how that works *she points to her axolotl feeler thigns, they look like coral and sea anieminoies growing og her face* Axolotls can have kids without a male! kinda like Komodo dragons!!!

kat: woa! 

Ali: i cant wait for you to meet my Mom Undyne!!! shes where i get my bright red hair!!!! and lack of a nose........anywa lets go!!

kat: okay!

kacchan: *following behind(