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Hello there!!


Iridium is a mix of endless runner and a racing game! It's easy to learn with extremely simple controls and fun to play! Play it now!!

What do I do in the game?

Well Iridium offers three modes to the players - Imppossible mode, Levels and Multiplayer! In Impossible mode you have only 1 chance, go as ahead as possible and beat the highscore! Also it offers coins that you can collect to customize  the player!

Levels are basically races, races with opponents and races with time! Its easy in beginning but gets on harder. How many levels can you pass?

Multiplayer, you race against another player! Use WASD or Arrow keys to move

How many levels can you beat! And what highscore do you have?? Play it now!


Isn't it ironic that your "play my game" screenshot has text that says "go do some stuff instead of playing this game?" :)

