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I love it! Add a leaderboard if you can.

I didn't know about One Finger Death Punch but I think this one's better for the following reasons:

  • One hit death KO for you player makes you feel you survive because you're better than the AI and not because you have more hitpoints. It feels more hardcore.
  • The fact that you don't get any notification when an enemy enters the attack area makes it feel less like a QTE game and more like an action game, especially with the 2HP guy that may be kicked slightly out of the circle making you miss if you don't pay attention.
  • Better enemy design. "There's a ninja coming and two karate guys. Do I kill the karate guys first or by that time the ninja will arrive and kill me? What if it's the other way around?" and maybe it's the flying kick guy who kills you while focusing on those three.
  • The art style is much, much better. It's coherent, the characters don't look like placeholders compared to the backgrounds, the UI is more streamlined and it doesn't have more "juiciness" than necessary.

If you can add more content without breaking the core mechanics this can be a great game for Steam.

Thanks! Excellent points, I'm so glad someone noticed! Just a small thing, you do get a notification when an enemy enters the attack area, it's very subtle, but it's there. I'll definitely add more content and I'll try to get it on Steam. Thanks again, your comment made my day : )


I noticed the glow changes, but as you said, it's subtle and it doesn't actually tell you which button to press. I like it :)

Exactly : )