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I really liked the demo! I'll pre-order soon! However, I DID find that its really hard to increase your charm and intelligence? I spent ages doing the stuff in the mirror and getting told that my charm and increased moderately, but at the end of the demo I was still dull, and although I spent some time in the bookshop reading, my intelligence still stayed as stupid? Was that something that's part of the demo- like how you couldn't do any quests (that i found anyway)- or is that how the game will be? Because it seemed a little bit too hard...

The full game will last 1 year so you will have lots of time to foster your stats so don't worry =D

(If during playtesting I find that it's to hard to increase your intel/charm etc, I'll make it easier :p I'm just worried that players won't have anything to do by the end of the year)