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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid (the game is the 1st there):


1. Very interesting style. I like that it's black and white until you have to play a mini game. Gives some feeling of a mystery to the game. Also, mini games are fun, I like that you have added them and that you also added an option of skipping them in case the player has problems with finishing them.

2. The monster looks terrifying. I like the lore, that it's not just a simple P.T. with your inner demons, but something more complex.

3. The visuals are nice. I mean, it is interesting looking around and everything looks beautiful, though I'd wish more details.


1. Down in the basement sometimes when you pick 1 object it counts as 2. That's a bit strange.

2. I would like that the monster would seem more dangerous. He's scary until he hits you and instead of a jumpscare or a noise of death you see your screen slowly fading away allowing you to run around for a good bit.

3. In the last area I couldn't activate the code panel the 2d time and had to die to make it pop up again.


The game is clearly a bit unpolished. It could use some work, but the concept and the idea are nice. It is obviously P.T. inspired but still the developer implemented original concepts and ideas making the game stand out from the other P.T. inspired experiences.

Hope my feedback was useful!