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You mention in the devlog that this is meant to be more approachable, but to be honest I'm completely lost.

I got stuck on level 7. I completely forgot I can freeze guys in place with the music trick because I was so overwhelmed with the amount being introduced. Like, the level where the recorder is introduced was completely baffling. I can get instructions on how to move but not how this new confusing mechanic works which seems quite odd. 

There's a lot of cool ideas here but it's so unfocused that I'm just left lost. Giving it my all to solve a puzzle is a good sensation, but when I skip levels and mechanics I can't give it my all there's always that fear I'll just be wasting my time cos the real solution is something I don't know about yet, in that sense there's no breathing room. 

Even when I did beat levels (just beat 6) I felt as though I'd broken it or something, cos most of the elements there I barely used. I just kinda stumbled though it and then was like "oh, thats it?" Was I meant to use the numbers as platforms there?

Couple of small things. Having the numbers and 1up blocks be the same color makes me think I can change them about even though I can't. Also, it feels like it should be a drag to move them rather than just a click, I'm sure a simple visual indicator can fix that. Also, level 3, the dotted outline blocks make it look like if you drag things onto them they'll pop it place or something. 

I'd also be nice to have a better indicator of how score works. The score change seems like one of the mechanics with the most meat, I quite enjoyed the puzzles with it, but it would help for a +1 or -1 or whatever to appear when it changes, it didn't notice at first that dying decreases score.

Level 3 I've no idea how anything works. Is the fact I keep teleporting through the flag a bug? I'm honestly not sure. I figured the above dudes acted like thwomps and I'd have to stop the music at the right time to use them as blocks, then I remembered I can just climb the numbers.

Lastly, controls. Perhaps just me but I kept trying to use the scrollwheel to scroll down to the options.

Overall, as cool as this is, it feels like the opposite of what's described in the devlog, being that doing a whole bunch of ideas at once isn't the most intuitive IMO. Just feels like the kind of thing that could do with a lot of refining. 


Thanks for your always detailed feedback.

First, I don't think it is fair of you to be in the shoes of a new player as you have manipulated level mechanic in a previous title. They are an advanced mechanic, purely optionnal for the whole chapter. At first I had turned it off for the chapter but decided to go with it.

Basically, the focus on numbers has disrupted your discovery unfortunately. I will try to think of a way to take that into account for players in a similar case.

This game will not be a tight puzzler where mechanics grow together. It is overwhelming by design.

I will include your suggestion for 1up, and level3 flag is definitely a bug or rather a hole in design. How score works will be explored in a future chapter (if I do complete another).