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Dude, what a good game. A very simple and short game, but made with such care, wow, sensational!

I don't even need to say how cute and unique the game art is. Characters with little screen time but who are already nice.

The music is also so relaxing and tasty for the game, it combines with a rainy theme.

I had no problems with the gameplay. Except that the last scene had no sounds, I don't know if it was to not have or I don't know, but if it didn't, a little song there would be cool.

A very fun, simple and fast game, I really liked it !!

Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

The ending cutscene's meant to have the same music as the opening cutscene, so I'm not sure why it didn't play - I'll have to see if I can recreate it somehow. Thank you for telling me!