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Your point is so convoluted and excessively long that the only thing I got after reading it twice was that you’re extremely critical of a first build that has a ton of depth to it.  You’re essentially telling him if his “dateable” characters don’t fit the mold of what you specifically, or as you say “humans” like, then the game is bad.  I couldn’t disagree more, he said it was mostly linear, let him tell the story try to make your criticism more constructive.


"Now i'm not saying a character can't be attractive if they don't have any of these traits, but they need to stand out relatively."

You read my post twice but didn't notice i said this. My main point was that the datable characters shouldn't be overshadowed by others, else people will thirst for the undatable ones.

I already praised the game on discord and 5 starred it here. I don't think i'm being "too critical". This was just a suggestion to the dev so he would have less problems in the future.

Such defensive attitude seems unneeded.