Discovering new, better VN's doesn't make sense to you? Mind your own business, thanks... I mean what I say, and I never lie! (Only people, who lie, would not believe me) Maybe I do exaggerate sometimes, but I am honestly hyped for these games. Many show a great amount of potential. With this one having the most, in my opinion, because it's not the typical highschool VN. I used to read absolute tons of books, so I know what I'm talking about. The longest book series I read is also the longest science-fiction book series, with 144 books currently. Name's Perry Rhodan.
Yes, this I admit. Although, Pervader is so well written that it's astonishing. More dialogues, as one of the other commenters mentioned, is the only thing that needs adjustment. Btw, out of all the about 30 VN's I played, Pervader really seems to be the best written one.
Do you not have more and better accusations?