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For the weapon models you should consider other weapons. I'm a scenographer and i can see a different style for those, mainly for that dollhouse/1920s style you are going for. I think you need something strange.

Like this.

it's just an example of what you could add. 

I like this game and i'll give it a go to the Kickstarter when it's ready.

I'm glad you liked the demo. : )
But these weapon might not work very well in this game for a couple of reasons.
- Lore, the weapons weren't made in the dollhouse but they came from outside. The outside world isn't victorian gothic.
- The textures on the guns are roughly 32x32 or 32x64. These small details would become an ugly noise.
But I have to say that there is a weapon (that is not in the demo) that is kind off this style and made inside the dollhouse. But can't spoil too much : )


Oh ok, now i understand. Of course you can't do that kind of decoration on a texture from 90's like games. I remember the first alone in the dark, the revolver is just two poligons.

 Thanks for the reply.