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I was really looking forward to trying this one, but I'm having the same issue as with a few games on here. Snap turning works fine but teleport doesn't. Unity+SteamVR on Oculus CV1 seems to have some mapping issues. I've tried your created config and tried making my own but unfortunately have not managed to get it to work. SteamVR is reading inputs fine in the calibration area, but not some controls in game. 

Looks excellent though!

Thank you for showing an interest in our game! Since you do not have analog sticks  your only option would be Teleport. Let me see if I can get teleport working and ill reply to your comment again! =]

It's touch controllers, so there is analogue sticks (and turning works with sticks fine). I tried to map teleport to just the "A" button and it still didn't work. Perhaps it's tied to the guardian system (I have that turned off). I appreciate you looking into it. :)


We've added a link to the "teleport" build you can try! We hope this works as we want you to try our game! Hope this helps! =)


It worked! Thanks very much for taking the time to sort that.

Absolutely loved the atmosphere and tension, a strong feeling of desperation to get to the next light. Sound design was really good as well. Great job!

I'm so happy to hear that! I would have liked to make the teleport a bit cleaner and maybe change the colors but I wanted to get it out to you as soon as possible! Thank you for playing! =D