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Pros and cons are down below. Check out my vid (the game is the first there):


1. I like the style: 2d with fish-eye effect or something like that. You are walking in the forest and Siren Head attacks. Still, the game feels unique in the way the concept is realized.

2. The sound design is cool. I think sound design for a Siren Head character is very important, so well done. I like that you used different sound ques for him.


1. It's hard to see anything in the game. I had to put the brightness waaay higher for the video, but it would be nice if the game would be brighter itself. It looks even nicer if it's a bit brighter.

2. I don't know about the ending, maybe I didn't reach it but at some point the game just closed itself so I decided that it was the end. If it wasn't maybe consider a different mechanic instead of closing game window. If that was the end, I would like to see a better one. A jumpscare would do better and it's not that hard to add.


I enjoyed the game but it needs a bit more polish. Still there are some moments that I like =, so I will rate it 4/5, because it's unfair to forget of the advantages because of how dark the game is.

Hope my feedback was useful!