Usually in a jam I make something completely new, this JAM I used a system that has been in development for months.
You know my game "Mammoth Expedition". I spent most of the time just making content. I had to code a lot of course but it wasn't most of the time.
and of course having people to take care of art and sound with me was really cool. they also added some content. in fact the Fishing Camp Situation is the coolest one and it was done almost entirely by my wife.
btw my system uses both prefabs & Scriptable Objects.
I don't know why you tried to change the system during the jam to scriptables lol. I get it as a programmer sometimes we think this will only take a little bit of time and you get stuck in it trying to figure out why it is not working. I learned not to do that in a JAM. this was almost my most successful JAM because I used already clean code...
even the everyday event: -10 fuel -food*workersCount
I was not going to make it its own thing because I didn't want to spend time developing that and I will just use highPriority events to do so.
but then I decided it will be boring to see some idiot tells you every day that you lost 10 fuel followed by another idiot saying you lost food. Besides; its the core of my idea to have perishing resources. might as well spend sometime developing it.
also if anything goes wrong. I use github (you should always use some source control) I can revert my edits and continue from there.
also the github greatly increased the speed editing stuff with the team (I see you don't have that problem)