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(3 edits) (+2)

Sometimes the game doesn't start after the intro, but since the screenshots looked great I tried a couple of times... and after the 3rd intent I was able to play the whole game. The game design was very well made! I  Loved the art, I love the puzzle solving. Great Job! One of my favorites so far :)

Edit: I just saw your comment that there is a text saying "Press E to Start" , but At least for me it was and still is not visible. I guess I was pressing keys on my 3rd intent trying to be able to played it and pressed 'E' by accident.


Thanks for playing even though we have this issue!

We updated the game yesterday night to fix bugs, edit the levels etc *and* made a WebGL export (It was  a download game before)

Unity has some issues right now with videos in WebGL games, so we sadly lost our cool intro, outro and credits scenes, which is why you can't see them and can't know how to start the game :/

But we're already trying to find a workaround and will publish an update as soon as it finally works!


Edit: The update is finished, we managed to work around this Unity issue by converting all videos to frame-spritesheets and putting them into the game as animations - have fun ;D