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My some of my Lovecraft High OC's and their human disguise 

True Form

Edith Thane

Edith Thane - Elder Thing Hybrid

Edith Thane is the result of an attempt to bring back the lost civilisation of the Elder Things by creating a hybrid with human DNA.  Possibly one of the smartest of all the students , probably the result of her five lobed brain. A perfectionist to a fault, at least when it comes to the ways of her culture and heritage. She's also obsessed with sharp points and strange angles. She gets on with few as she prefers to work alone. As her biology shares a few traits with that of plants, she gets on best with Enfys best and has a complicated and spiteful relationship with Susan Shog as it was the Elder Things that created the Shoggoths as mindless slaves that later evolved and overthrew their creators almost completely wiping them out. 

Human Form


True Form

Cthulhlette Fhtagn

Cthulhlette Fhtagn - Descendant of Cthulhu

Cthulhlette Fhtagn is in many ways the schools sweet heart, there's something about her that once you meet can't get her out of your head...and dreams...and every waking thought. She likes camping under the stars by the sea and it often seen hanging out with Akrham Siren. She hopes to become a model one day as people can't help, but be inspired...enraptured...Despite her father's infamous temper Cthulhlette is a daddy's girl and he pretty much lets her get away with anything. However upset, offend or hurt her and the stars won't need to be right for him to reek a terrible vengeance. 

Human Form


True Form

Susan Shoggoth

Susan Shoggoth despite her colour pallor and excitedly thriving tendrils, Susan is a pretty defensive soul. Tending to shut people out before they have a chance to get in and try to change her. Although she won't admit it, Susan does feel lonely. She's got a softer side, like sour candy, sweet, but sharp. She really doesn't like Edith Thane as she represents the oppression the Shoggoths went through and doesn't enjoy watching Edith trying to bring that culture back. Yet despite all this Susan is a member of the Night Light Club, a club committed to setting up night time light festivals and the occasions rave and ritual. 

Human Form

WOWOWOWOWOOW I  love it this is amazing and creative.

Thank you so much! =)

So wonderful!

Thanks Cinnamon!


I've updated their bios!