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I like asteroids, so appreciate the aesthetics of  this.  The juice was nice (liked the particle effects and the screen shake - especially on the fonts).  However the sound level was way out (maybe give people a heads-up if they are using earphones).  On the fourth level, I picked up the ball and flew into the asteroid to see if that would smash it.  Unfortunately I still died (which was fine), but the ball also got stuck inside the asteroid, which meant that I had no way to complete the stage.  The sound also then kept looping even after I restarted from the 1st level (stage 4's sound was still playing).  It would have been cool if you restarted from the level you were busy with instead of having to restart them all over again. Please take all of this as constructive feedback, as I did enjoy the premise of the game and there is fun to be had here.  Controls were tight. Nice job 

Thanks for the bug report, and glad you enjoyed it when it worked!