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In order:
- Yes. You can complete the game with everyone still alive.
- No. But those passwords are really only there for testing and as a small easter egg, so you're not missing anything if you don't get them. On full release they'll likely be taken out.
- 2nd Dean CG is bugged. 2nd Sal CG isn't available in game yet. 2nd one for Hoss might be bugged. Third will be available in 10 days.  All of Orlando's are available assuming you can save him.

Good luck!

(1 edit)

Uh, I guess curiosity got the better of me and I kinda found out the other 2 passwords now, along with how to save Orlando and the fact that some of the dialogue changes when you put certain names on the coffee cup which i found pretty neat. I still appreciate the reply though!

Also, holy shit you were not kidding when you said none of the characters had plot armor.