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Pros and cons are sown below. Check out my vid (the game is the first there):

Already reviewed the game before the update but I feel like it deserves another review now)


1. After the update so much have changes! The game is more detailed now, has more spooks, a strong plot explaining the whole blair witch thing from a different perspective. Awesome! I am so glad I replayed it!

2. The sense of dread is so strong! The creaky forest makes you run and don't look back though you can not run away. And the house even more terrifying now, The sound design is marvelous!


I think you have done a great job perfecting the game and I take back all the points that I wrote before)


A string 5/5! Such a great game! I am so impressed how good it was and how much better it is now! Well done!

Hope my feedback was useful!