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Firstly: Thank you SO MUCH for your Hard Work and Dedication! Especially when listening to your fanbase! <3 But what I respect More is that, while changes were implemented, you're all sticking with your decisions as they'll be expounded upon in further episodes. I think any '3' is hard when you have mulitple chapters, episodes, books etc. of something; it's one of those weird in-between stages that usually Needs to set things up for future happenings and, because of that, tends to risk feeling too much like an info dump.

Like others, I didn't have a problem with Episode 3 - I found it fairly well balanced between what we needed to know and how the Traveler dealt with it. Sure, there could have been More exposition on the MC's world falling apart, but that prevents progression and it can also be linked to pure - Shock. When you don't know how to handle things, Emotionally, that are too big for you, sometimes it's Best to just keep moving until you *CAN*. I thought adding qualifiers (like making a Traveler more Emotional for ex.) was a nice touch to meet those concerns. I certainly felt a more emotional MC vs. a Determined one had more 'Oh Gosh...I'm so Overwhelmed' moments.

I think what people mostly wanted (specifically those who went for June, for example) was the ability to have MC react accordingly and Most noticeably to their LI's views. Say, a Determined Traveler who was able to keep their cool through all the other crew's opinions/stories, but fell apart during (using the same example) June's. Because it Hurt deeper. While I find the choice to skip certain backstories nice for those who found it repetitive, I personally thought it was each crew member's way of showing a kind of empathy toward MC. Traveler (forcefully) regains some memories of who they were and might not know how to deal. So crew (who's clearly starting to accept them) gives their own stories to show they're not alone. That it can be Reciprocal.

What I'm hoping for more than anything, is to see in future episodes how Past MC and Present MC will be consolidated. Just an episode ago, they had No Idea who they were, none of this Mattered to them -- is it really that easy to disassociate with who they were becoming past-free? It seems you're all are eager to tackle that, so I'm excited to see that progression! Again, Thanks and looking forward to 4!