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(1 edit)

I have a question. How do I make "friends" in this so I can make Zorro quest.

And the rat thug, there is a implemented way of getting on his base for more scenes?

Also, gym? Where I do get the clothes and the id to work out?

Check out the fan made wiki to help you out as well, but, you just need to hang out with one of the guys not ferron enough times till the scene changes. This number requirement is going down in the update on the 8/9 of this month. 

The rat stuff isn't in the game yet. We're letting patreon choose which area gets work on next, and working out is coming out in the update next week as well. Along with some more systems, as well as some more QOL things to make the game more streamlined and have some of the things you gotta spam less annoying. Such as having everyone important you can meet be something you can manually encounter, and not having to play the rng game to unlock areas.