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This is a wonderful little game.  I watched your development video if it, played the game fully prior to watching the spoiler section, then finished the video.  I don't think it's entierly tedious to get all the endings, though if the game was expanded it would definitely quickly get to that point.

I understand the game is complete (and it's very polished), but if you were to expand it any further I would like to see the "weirdness" occurring throughout each run change based on how your run is going.  Halfway through and you haven't killed anyone?  Perhaps different kinds of "reality breaking through" effects going on. Going on a psychopath run?  Maybe the girl's spooky appearences are more panicked - there's something more wrong with you than there is with her.  Thing slike that.

Thank you for making this.  I enjoyed watching the dev video, and really enjoyed the entertainment I got from it!