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(1 edit) (+1)

leaning in game where half of players run around with 200+ ping is not good idea. And leaning is for games with more "tactical" style. SW is more "run and gun", then move slowly from corner to corner.

Double jump was removed because it was breaking gameplay (map movement logic) and there was many many many complaints from players. When we will have more players, then maybe i will add it back as an option.

If i will add crosshair, then i will have to increase hip fire inaccuracy (like it is done in most shooter games). Shooting from hip will give you much worse accuracy, then when aim down the sights. So whats the point from crosshair?

As i usually answer on question about crooshair... it fits games like CS, where you can't aim down the sights (from all weapons). If i will add crosshair, then only in "Normal" mode. But at this moment it's not planed.