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Thank you so much for those kind words! And yes, I guess we both were able to get to the other side, and I think that is one way the take-away from this; hopefully, very likely, you'll get through to that other side but you just  need to endure it.

And thank you again, I'm so happy that I got someone like you who really took the time to analyze everything to play my game!

(Sorry for the absurdly long reply, I was sick for a long time but I'm finally back on my feet!)


You're so welcome! When it comes to games/interactive stories such as this that has a deeper story, I try my best to understand thoroughly what has happened in this persons life or story and explain to those that may not know exactly what's going on. :D

And once again, you are so welcome. :D I love playing games like this that has such a moving story, you know?

And it's okay, just hope you're keeping yourself safe during this time! :D