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this is merely something itch does. I don't change the version name cause if I do then it replaces the file I already put there, losing all the stats it had, which I want to keep. changing the file name to version 2 or something similar will replace it fully, losing all the previous stats on those files. hopefully, I explained that in the most understandable way. if you download from this page then you are up to date on the game. the newest version will be coming soon ( but delayed due to voice acting lines not coming in) so I may just bite the bullet and replace the original files so there won't be any confusion


Thank you for your explanation! I don't think changing the name is worth it, if it means losing your stats. Probably a little note in the description about this small nuisance would suffice.  

I wouldn't worry too much, its probably just a me problem. I think what confused me was that it also said it was the 1.0 ver on the  "About" section in the menu. 

Thank you for replying so quickly,  I will finish the rest of the routes without worries tonigth.  And patiently wait for the new update.

Once again thank you for your work!