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Hi NathanS48, 

Thank you so much for the kind words! I'll try and give you a little rundown about what we use as a team.

The game was made with a very wide range of tools. The primary tool would be Unity3D, but all the other software we use is just as important in developing Visual Studio for scripting, Blender for models, Ableton and dozens of VSTs / instruments for music and SFX, souped up customized PCs, Photoshop for graphic design, Wondershare Filmora for the video editing.

There's a lot going on, lots of software to learn and lots of time put into the story development and world building. We have several people on the team that specialize in their specific areas, but there is lots of crossover and this collaboration between us is instrumental in setting the right tone and balance of influences and knowledge.

Scythe Dev Team