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Hi olivegarden87!

Thanks for visiting and wow, I can feel your love and enthusiasm all the way from there x'D

1. Ah, I'm so proud that Mitra finally got another fan! Hahah, he needs more love x'D things will get milder when you go to Rama's and Reksa's route though so prepare yourself! :')

2. Aww you flatter me! Thank you >\\\<

3. I'm a but touched when I hear this ^///^ at first you got attracted by my art but then the story hooked you -there's nothing I can ask for more <3

*and yes, Rama's route made me so sad when I first write it :'( I thought I can find another way, but Rama's psychology simply won't allow it T_T

4. Yuuup, I'm a chinese-Indonesian and I love the various cultures here even though I havent experience the majority of them ><

I got inspired whenever my brain decided to go to lala land and popped an idea or two lol. It's usually late at night or at inappropriate places such as the toilet x'D

5. Aww thank you! Look forward to my next project called Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle! ^///^

Here's some cyber cookies and hope to see you around :"D

