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Hi, congrats on publishing your first game. Publishing the first game is very important part of a gamedev's life.


I like the in-game aesthetic of the game and the sound effects. I like the sprites for the enemies. 

Some constructive criticism and ways to improve:

1) Fix the grammatical mistakes in the UI. I guess that English is not your first language, but these little things change the overall experience.

2) The AI for the enemies feels very stiff. My guess is that it's implemented as follows:

Look at player --> Move towards player --> Stop at a certain distance away and keep looking at the player --> Shoot 

This implementation is ok but feels very stiff. First, try adding a little bit of ambient motion to the enemies when they are stopped. Make them move side to side a little bit. Try using tranform.position = Random.instideUnitSphere * someRadius.

Sometimes, enemies clump together, you might want to add a repelling force to enemies that get too close.

3) Variety

Variety is a very important factor in determining what makes a game "Fun". Correct me if I'm wrong, but too much variety can have the opposite effect. Your game has lots of superficial variety (superficial : only on the surface). The customization in your game is purely cosmetic and does not affect the gameplay.

You should try adding enemies that can be harmed by only specific colored bullets, different types of guns, enemies that have different behavior (like an enemy with no gun that charges towards you or an enemy that shoots for very far away), and so on.

As of now, I feel that I've seen what the game has to offer in the first 5 mins or so. Variety makes the player stay engaged and keeps him/her coming back for more.


The main gameplay loop is pretty fun but not for very long. It feels very unforgiving. 

First, you should add a timer to the enemy so that it does not shoot right after spawning.

Try implementing a health pickup system where there is a chance that enemies will drop health when they die. 

You might want to increase the size of the map. It feels very cramped as of now.

Also, I believe that the upgrades are too expensive. 

5) Aesthetics

As I said in the pros, the aesthetics are good but there is a chance for improvement everywhere. (These tips are just suggestions and implementing them is solely up to you)

First, try adding a background to the game.

Try adding some bloom to the enemies so that they pop more.

6) UI

Try using a more minimal font and icons. They will fit with your minimal aesthetic more.

If you need any help, you can contact me on reddit (u/sohrabhamza). I am also a relatively new gamedev but I'm sharing what I know. Good luck with your future endeavors! 

(1 edit)

Thank you for taking your time to write this review. It means a lot. I will try to improve the game in the next update according to your suggestion